Digital for Circularity Hackathon

Digital for circularity hackathon

How can digital and data accelerate Kering ambition in circularity?

From June 26th to June 29th, come and imagine in Paris a concrete and innovative solution for Kering on a strategic issue thanks to the collective intelligence and the use of data.  
Registration is open from May, 3rd to May, 29th!  

Discover last year's aftermovie! Hackathon 2022

Last year, 70 collaborators from all Kering brands participated in the hackathon. During 3 days, they imagined the best innovative solutions to answer the next Web3 challenge thanks to collective intelligence. Gathered in 10 teams, they pitched their projects in front of a prestigious jury. Discover the aftermovie!

Circularity ?
What is

A circular economy provides the opportunity not only to move towards a positive impact on resources, but also to innovate in order to better serve our customers and to further advance our sustainability goals. 
The circularity inside Kering is based on 3 key pillars along the products value chain to always better serve the customers : 
  •  The regenerative sourcing and clean production 
  •  Luxury that lasts 
  •  More efficient production processes  
"This is more than a strategy, this is a whole new mindset that reinforces what defines us: creativity, exceptional know-how, high quality. 
As a business, Kering sees the circular economy as an opportunity to create an industry fit for purpose for future generations, that works with nature rather than against it. 

Kering will increase the longevity of its products by supporting new business models designed to keep clothes in circulation for the longest possible time; design our products and materials so that they are durable and can be made again; accelerate the transition to regenerative farming practices and expand our repairs services. 

Kering is shifting its production practices to reduce waste, reduce energy and water use, and to eliminate microfibre leakage and single-use plastics."

                                                                                                                                                                         Circularity Ambition, Coming Full Circle Ambition, Kering






Prestigious Jury


Winning Team

A prestigious jury

How can digital and data accelerate Kering ambition in circularity? 

Let's review the 4 main steps where Circularity can be enhanced throughout the Value Chain for Kering
4 key sub-themes related to the stages of the product value chain are proposed for this hackathon. 
The product value chain also includes merchandising and sales tools! 

Be inventive, creative and relevant.

What will be your solution to answer this challenge?     >> Find out more about each step below!

Conception & Design

Planning & Manufacturing

Distribution & Use 

2nd Life / End of Life

Conception & Design

What will we produce for higher circularity? 
How will we design and conceive it? 

Planning & Manufacturing

How much will Kering produce for higher circularity? 
How will we manufacture to increase circularity? 

Distribution and Use

How online and offline points of sales can enhance circularity? 
 How can we extend the life of a product?  

2nd Life / End of life

How to give a second life to the products and their materials?

The partners
of the hackathon